Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What Happens When Business Owners Retire?

When Business Owners Retire 

What Enables Them To Sell, Merge Or Transition To A Legacy?

If I were looking for a company to buy or for a merger partner, I'd be searching for one whose core competencies wouldn't walk out the door with its current owner.  Ethics, integrity, design, engineering, production and customer service are baseline essentials, but the company's customer facing competencies must be atop its resume.

As a CEO, are you also responsible for business development and closing key deals?  Unless you can proudly brandish excellence in customer facing competencies as a business differentiator, you will not be optimizing your company's legacy.  This means process competency in marketing, business development, sales and CEM that is supported by the right automation tools and implemented by the right people.

The real value of a business relies on the quality of its customer and product/service portfolio assets. Market penetration, market development and new product/service development competencies will enable you to optimize the ROI of these vital assets.

It's time to make the investment - and this can't be outsourced!