Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Define Your Own Economy

Your Company’s Economy Differs from the National Economy

Most small and midsize companies don’t need to be experts in fiscal and monetary policies that affect the USA economy.  Instead, they are better served by leveraging the health, opportunities and threats presented by the economy in which their business operates.

Step one, define your economy based on microeconomics and macroeconomics factors.

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By John Bernardi

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Marketing Assisted Selling Helps Deal Makers

Develop Your Marketing Competency to Reach the Next Level

Sales driven companies are slanted towards transactions.  Their sales reps sell existing products to existing markets and are accountable for prospecting and account management.  They rely on the “marketing department” for sales support and are not interested in developing or acquiring a marketing competency.

Companies Evolve from Being Entrepreneurial to Having a Sales Driven Identity.
But Most Don’t Achieve Marketing Driven Status.

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By John Bernardi